Charlotte CNC Machining & Metal Fabrication - Job Shop
Charlotte, NC
Design, Machining, Fabrication, Welding, Prototypes, large scale production runs, assemblies Sales through September 30, 2024 were $9,398,725 with $2,033,137...
Cash Flow: $2,237,404
Philly Pretzel Factory Available Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
This location is in a great area. This is a fully equipped pretzel bakery. You have everything you need to begin operating. This is perfect for an owner...
Thermoset Plastic Injection Molding, Swiss Turning & CNC Machining
Charlotte, NC
This ISO Certified manufacturing business has been established for close to 50 years in a 31,000 SF facility. They have 3 divisions, thermoset injection molding...
Fabricated Aerospace, Defense & Medical Parts Manufacturer
Charlotte, NC
High End Modern Shop - Real Estate Available - Unique Client Base This 35 year old business specializes in work for Boeing, Military/Navy, Healthcare and other...
Niche Manufacturing of Sidewalk Curbing Machines
Charlotte, NC
This small manufacturing company produces custom machinery for small slipform pavers...
Soap Manufacturer, made in Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
This is the type of success story you see on SharkTank. With tremendous followings on...
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