10 Multi-Unit Batteries Plus Stores in SC/NC
Gastonia, NC
The price for this business is $5MM All-In. This includes 10 Batteries Plus Stores, 5 Commercial Buildings worth $3.2MM, and $1.5MM sellable inventory at cost. The...
Prime Real Estate In Gaston Co. – Perfect Setup For a Restaurant!
Bessemer City, NC
This Prime Real Estate in Bessemer City is an exceptional opportunity for an operator ready to establish a restaurant business in a growing market. Listed at...
UTZ Foods Route For Sale in Gastonia NC-$120,000
Gastonia, NC
UTZ Foods Route For Sale in Gastonia NC-$120,000 Enter Quick Code NC-63074 at RoutesRUs.com for more details, or use the following link: ...
Custom Plastics Mfg, Mold/Tool, Heat Bend, Vacuum Form, Flame, Engrave
Gastonia, NC
This 40 year old custom plastics manufacturing business once had sales over $10 Million and 50 employees but has scaled back to just under $1M in sales with 5...
Turn Key Bar for Sale In Growing Gastonia- Well Designed Bar!!
Boogertown, NC
This outstanding Gastonia Bar for Sale presents a lucrative opportunity for anyone...
Landscaping Supply Store in North Carolina
Gaston County, NC
LISTING ID # 36402 This business is a local hometown landscape supply company...
Take-Out Only Pizzeria - Cheap Rent - $600/Month
Gastonia, NC
Take-Out Pizzeria - 100K Down Gets You In Business! Gaston County has become one of...
Exciting Opportunity! Thriving Precision Machine Shop
Gaston County, NC
Are you looking to invest in a booming industry? Here's your chance! We are thrilled to...
Turnkey Delectable Dessert Franchise
Gaston County, NC
Established in Gaston County in 2022, this dessert franchise location is semi-absentee...
Home Matters
Available in North Carolina
Home Matters is a leader in the senior care industry offering an innovative nurse-guided...
Gaston County Steak & Seafood w/ Real Estate
Gastonia, NC
The current owner took this business over from the family years ago and has gradually...
Large Dental Practice with 13,500sf+ Medical Real Estate
Gastonia, NC
Our team is thrilled to present this uniquely packaged opportunity to purchase an...
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