Local well-known smoothie franchise for sale
Durham, NC
Well-known franchise in the smoothie business! We are selling the smoothie franchise and the rights to own a dual business! Already approved by the franchise. Once...
Beautiful, Freshly Renovated Restaurant - Asset Sale
Durham, NC
Thoughtfully developed space with abundance of windows and natural light. This restaurant is fully equipped and furnished and able to support a variety of...
Reduced: Carry-out Quick-Serve in Durham
Durham, NC
Established quick serve carry-out-only restaurant in Durham. With Excellent visibility...
Under Contract - Highly Trafficked Turn-Key Durham Restaurant
Durham, NC
This restaurant has been established for 20+ years in a highly trafficked area of...
Turn Key Bottle Shop & Bar, with Exponential Growth Potential
Durham, NC
This wine, beer and beverage store with a bar is located in the coveted area of downtown...
New Price! Pan-Asian Eatery Durham- Profitable
Durham, NC
Prime Opportunity in a Thriving Location! Discover an exceptional investment opportunity...
Durham Neighborhood Bar, Profitable
Durham, NC
Own your slice of low-key nightlife with this thriving bar in Durham, NC! Boasting about...
Profitable Indian Restaurant in Durham NC
Durham, NC
Looking to own your slice of culinary paradise in the heart of downtown Durham, NC? Look...
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