Cafe and Bar for sale
Mamaroneck, NY
La Casa Cafe & Bar is a thriving, unique dining and entertainment venue in the heart of...
Restaurant Cafe & Bar for Sale in New York
Westchester County, NY
LISTING ID # 36581 This established restaurant café, and bar in Westchester County,...
S. Westchester Restaurant in Mint-Move in Condition-Great Location.
Westchester County, NY
This beautifully decorated, mint condition, restaurant is in the perfect location in a...
Pub/Rest. Great Location Near All in S. Westchester. Great Start-up
Westchester County, NY
This 1,852+/-SF restaurant seats up to 65+/- and is centrally located in a popular town...
Westchester Cocktail Bar and Restaurant for Sale
Westchester County, NY
Location-Location-Location! This successful Bar-Lounge-Restaurant sparkles like a gem in...
Cash Flow: $300,000
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