Dental Practice in Queens NY
Jamaica, NY
Buy the Business only or Business and real estate. Great & rare opportunity to own private 25 years practice for specialist and smooth takeover of well-established...
Well-established dental practice for sale. Low lease, great location!
Queens, NY
Operating since 1984, huge database, loyal customers! Operating since 1984, huge database, loyal customers! I’m excited to offer a well-established dental...
Fast Growing Dental Practice For Sale!
Queens County, NY
A well established FAST GROWING practice since 1998 FOR SALE! ref#684 Located in desirable urban area of Queens County, on a lease for every 5 years. This...
Luxury Boutique Dental Studio Astoria All Equiptment Included
Astoria, NY
TURN KEY DENTAL OFFICE Prime Astoria Area near all transit 3 floors dental office fully built out 3 fully equipped exam rooms included 2 bathrooms Greeting area/...
Queens Dental Practice In Biz Since 1986
Queens County, NY
Well established Queens dentist has chosen to sell his business as he eases in to...
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