Upscale American Restaurant
American upscale restaurant, focused on supporting local. seats 152 between 2 completely dining rooms grate for parties & separate bar area also has...
Thriving Mexican Restaurant for Sale in New York
LISTING ID # 36391 Available for sale in Putnam County, New York, is a well-established and successful Mexican restaurant. Situated on a busy main...
40 Year Beloved Turnkey Profitable Restaurant in Putnam County
Putnam County, NY
This successful and well known Italian restaurant and pizzeria has been serving the community for 40 awesome years. The restaurant's main dining room seats 80 plus...
Restaurant/Patio on Hudson River/Train Station
Garrison, NY
RESTAURANT/PATIO ON HUDSON RIVER/TRAIN STATION $399,900 GARRISON/PUTNAM COUNTY Absolutely exquisite setup and operation directly on the Hudson River at...
New Pizzeria In Brewster, Ny
Brewster, NY
Great opportunity for a pizza man or owner operator. This updated space is ideal for...
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