Discount & Party Supplies Store in Stewart Manor, Nassau County
Garden City, NY
Located in the community-rich area of Stewart Manor, Nassau Country, This Discount &...
Long Island Neighborhood Pharmacy Grossing over $15m in biz since 2015
Hempstead, NY
Fully licensed and contracted ( Medicaid, Medicare, Caremark, Express Scripts, Optum,...
Liquor Store (5.65 M / Year Sale) for Sale, Nassau
Nassau County, NY
Liquor and Wine Store. Average Margins 28 %+/-. Sales $ 5,650,000 ( Including sales tax...
BP Gas Station and Convenience Store
Nassau County, NY
Bill Blau Business Broker, Inc. has been retained to arrange for the sale of a business...
Liquor Store ($ 850,000 / Year Sale) for Sale, Nassau
Nassau County, NY
Liquor and Wine Store. Average Margins 28 %+/-. Sales $ 850,000 ( Including sales tax )...
Just Listed! Compounding Pharmacy Nassau County
Nassau County, NY
1,200 sf Compounding Pharmacy - Fully licensed and contracted (Medicaid, Medicare,...
Vending Route
Nassau County, NY
Large snack and soda vending machine route for sale covering Nassau and Suffolk...
Fully Licensed Neighborhood Pharmacy with Active Caremark
Nassau County, NY
Seller relocating! Fully licensed neighborhood pharmacy with active Caremark & Express...
Long Island Fully Licensed and Contracted High Profit Pharmacy
Nassau County, NY
Just Listed: EXCLUSIVE Fully licensed and Contracted High Profit Pharmacy , located on...
Rush Bowls
Available in New York
OWN AN ACAI BOWL FRANCHISE! Tap into the demand for healthy food and bring a delicious,...
Full Service Music Store, Rentals and Lessons In Biz 40+ Years
Nassau County, NY
Thriving multi faceted musical instrument business. Bricks and mortar store sells, rents...
Landscaping Contractors (#22593)
Nassau County, NY
Landscaping Contractor Business Located In Nassau County This is a successful...
Part 135 Jet Charter Certificate Entity 10+ Pax Approval WorldWide Ops
Farmingdale, NY
Thank you for your inquiry. If you’re looking for a “Ready to Go” Part 135 with robust...
Liquor Store ($630,000 / Sales Year) for Sale, Nassau County
Nassau County, NY
Liquor and Wine Store. Average Margins 28 %+/-. Sales $ 630,000 ( Including sales tax )...
High Volume Vape Shop
Jericho, NY
HS Listing ID-9202 Popular vaporizer and CBD stores in busy locations. Parking is...
Wholesale/retail cosmetic company loyal customer base - Nassau Co
Nassau County, NY
This cosmetic company does a tremendous amount of sales thru online platforms of ebay...
Well established party decorating business with great cashflow
Nassau County, NY
Well established party decorating business for sale. This is a great turnkey business...
Nassau County Neighborhood Liquor & Wine Store
Nassau County, NY
HS Listing ID-63531 This well-established liquor and wine store offers a prime location...
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