Boat Club For Sale!
Niagara County, NY
this business is currently UNDER CONTRACT...This is a National Branded Boat Club with boats, members, training and support. Truly a turnkey business for anyone...
NY Finger Lakes Boat Charters Tours Turnkey NO boat experience needed
Corning, NY
Finally your place on the Lake. This fully functioning, debt-free, high margin, FUN, seasonal business in the Finger Lakes is boat-centric. Enjoy days on the lake...
Attn Boat Lovers: Est. 16-Year-Old Marine Supply
Nassau County, NY
LISTING ID # 36096 Attention all boat lovers! Imagine working in an industry you...
Boat Dealership and Marina for Sale by LABNation Dealerships
New York
Located in the New York City metropolitan area, this well-established dealership with an...
Waterfront Restaurant And Marina For Sale
New York
Hs Listing ID-61458 $4,995,000 With Property. $1,900,000 Restaurant Only. 25+ years...
Yacht Charter Company – New York City SBA-PRE APPROVED (L.O.I)
New York, NY
Well-established company that operates modern and luxurious yachts in the New York area ...
South Shore LI Waterfront Full-Service Marine Business and Dealership
Suffolk County, NY
Moxie is proud to exclusively represent the sale of a solid, well rounded, and trusted...
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