Innovative Logistic Business in Manhattan and Bronx
Great opportunity where you can seamlessly continue operations within a day without disrupting the business. A thriving logistics business is...
Take the reins of this well-established, highly reputable moving business serving the bustling NYC area and beyond. Known for delivering exceptional...
FedEx Linehauls Eight Dedicated Runs For Sale - New York, NY
New York, NY
This well established FedEx linehaul features 11 dedicated runs. There are 9 employees with management in place. It includes 11 trucks at a total value of...
FedEx Dedicated P & D Runs For Sale - New York, NY
New York, NY
This well established FedEx business is a five day a week operation. It features 13 P&D runs. There are 14 employees with management in place. It includes 13...
Profitable Long Haul Refrigerated Company (3 % BUY SIDE FEE APPLIES)
New York, NY
Promising and resilient long-haul refrigerated trucking enterprise with a...
Cash Flow: $13,665,125
Growing Transportation and Logistics Company
New York, NY
Metropolitan NYC-based trucking and logistics company with a consistent track record of...
Chauffeur Limo & Transportation Company - The Uber of Limos
New York, NY
Not one vehicle owned, all technology based. Over $2mm invested in the software alone. ...
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