Network of 2 Pizza Franchises in NYC
Manhattan County, NY
A unique opportunity to purchase 2 full-service restaurants in NYC. Both stores have been in business for over 30 years. The stores are in great neighborhoods...
Iconic Pizzeria for Sale in New York
Manhattan County, NY
LISTING ID # 36554 Iconic New York Pizzeria. Discover a beloved cornerstone of New York County’s culinary scene at this irresistible pizzeria. Known for its...
Profitable Pizzeria/Italian Restaurant in Lower Manhattan
Manhattan County, NY
With decades of consistent profitability and a solid customer base, this well-established pizzeria and Italian restaurant offers a fantastic opportunity for new...
Gorgeous Times Square Pizzeria – Turn-Key Opportunity
New York, NY
This stunning 1,400 sq. ft. pizzeria in the heart of Times Square offers an exceptional opportunity for a pizzeria operator, chef, or owner-operator. With an...
Absentee Owner Profitable Pizza Bussiness
New York, NY
Own a profitable, established pizza business with recently upgraded appliances and...
$150k Net Pizzeria In Great Location With High Visibility
Manhattan, NY
HS Listing ID-61604 Established 4 years. Open 7 days a week. Open from 12pm – 9:45pm....
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