Luxury Nail & Spa in Manhattan's Uptown. annual gross income $1.66M."
Manhattan County, NY
"Luxury Nail & Spa in Manhattan's upscale neighborhood with an annual income of $1.66M. Property Details: Square Footage: 1700 sq. ft. (ground floor) + 1200 sq....
Manhattan Nail Salon Boutique Near Time Square
New York, NY
Stylish chic Nail Boutique Near time square area. heart of Hell's Kitchen. Ground level. 9 TH ave next to CORNER LOCATION 400 Square feet Personal Nails and...
Own a Lucrative Nail Salon Locates Near New York City‘s Union Sq!
New York, NY
This is 13 years Successful Nail salon locates near the heart of union square store...
Nail Salon at Great Location Hot Sale!
Manhattan County, NY
The owner is motivated to sell and negotiable. Nail Salon at good location in...
"For sale: High-profit nail salon in prime Manhattan location."
New York, NY
"For sale: A nail salon operated by the same owner for 32 years, located in the prime...
Niche Press on nail Salon In Prime NYC. No experience needed
New York, NY
Willing to Consider Reasonable Offers. A business that is simple-to-run. This business...
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