Profitable Pizzeria/Italian Restaurant in Lower Manhattan
Manhattan County, NY
With decades of consistent profitability and a solid customer base, this well-established pizzeria and Italian restaurant offers a fantastic opportunity for new...
Restaurant For Sale - 6th AVE NYC **Turnkey Location**
New York, NY
Business for sale. Perfect for any retail use. Current tenant operates BOTH units. Location is prime directly on 6th avenue with tons of foot & Car traffic....
World Renowned Wine Bar + Italian Restaurant East Village NYC
Manhattan, NY
HS Listing ID-63052 East Village Asking Price: $899,000 + Inventory sold separate. ...
Upper Manhattan Pizzeria
Manhattan County, NY
This restaurant is all about location. It doesn’t get any better than this. With this...
Gut Renovated fully operational F&B for Sale
New York, NY
Ground Floor: 3600 RSF Basement:1200 RSF Lease Term: Thru 8/31/2031 + 5 years Rent:...
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