Snyder's Lance Snack Route Queens
This route has the rights to sell Snyder's Lance products and partner brands in a protected territory. The route has a nice mix of stores 34 locations,...
Business sale on nails, massage, wax and miscellaneous goods, etc.
Prime Business location! Flushing on Northern Blvd. Nail (manicure, pedicure), waxing room, facial (Skin Care), eye lashing, massage rooms & beauty...
Profitable Corner Mini Market
Flushing, NY
Well positioned Mini market in the residential area in Flushing
Very profitable high margin grocery store
Flushing, NY
Same owner 30 years, semi absentee nets $500k grosses almost $4m corner location high...
Reputable and Profitable Chinese Bakery
Flushing, NY
Good location at heart of Flushing near botanic garden. Profitable and Established 16...
Profitable Coffee Shop, Bakery
Flushing, NY
Very profitable coffee shop, bakery in the busy area.
GNC Franchise Store for Sale
Flushing, NY
Established Health food & nutrition store for sale. Well known brand franchised...
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