Established Golf Course for Sale
Own a piece of history with this unique mid-century modern designed clubhouse, nestled in a picturesque location. This well-established course features...
Investment Property $550,000
1.5 ACRE INVESTMENT PROPERTY $550,000 COLUMBIA COUNTY Corner, traffic light location. 1.6-acre parcel with room to expand on current building....
Elizaville Diner - Picturesque Lakefront Diner with Real Estate
Elizaville, NY
Picturesque lakefront diner with real estate. Chance to own 2+ acres of real estate plus a cash flowing restaurant in an idyllic upstate NY setting. This...
Established Pizzeria in Hudson Valley
Hudson, NY
Founded in 2014 by three brothers, this well-loved Italian restaurant serves an array of classic dishes, from fresh seafood and steak to pizza and homemade...
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