Turn-Key Bar & Grill for Sale in Desirable Location in Buffalo, NY!
Buffalo, NY
This bar and grill offers a rare opportunity to own a well-established business in the heart of downtown Buffalo. Located in a beautifully restored historic...
Well Established Food Manufacturing Wholesale and Retail Business
Buffalo, NY
For Sale-Well established, 95 year old, light manufacturing, wholesale food business located in North Buffalo NY with 4 retail outlets. Historic income producing,...
Convenient Store/Pizzeria/Deli Business For Sale With Real Estate
Buffalo, NY
Great turnkey opportunity to own a well established grocery/pizzeria/deli operation in business in metro Buffalo NY since 1939! Over 35,000 cars per day drive by...
Bar/Restaurant in the North Towns of Buffalo, NY
Buffalo, NY
Coolest Restaurant/ Bar in the NorthTowns of Buffalo, NY. Successful turn key operation and fully staffed. Rent $2,500. $550,000 includes business and equipment.
Profitable Upstate NY Pizzeria for Sale
Buffalo, NY
**NDA Required for address** NOTE: Yes, it is still available. If interested, please...
Established Restaurant in the Williamsville NY Area.
Buffalo, NY
Very profitable established Restaurant in The Williamsville/ Amherst NY area. Turnkey!!!...
Restaurant Business for Sale
Buffalo, NY
This up scale restaurant and bar in the heart of busy entertainment/historical district....
Burger Joint for Sale
Buffalo, NY
Very nice Burger Joint for Sale. Everybody thinks they have the best burger...wrong!!...
Kosher Meat Market for Sale:(Offer accepted)
Buffalo, NY
A wonderfully profitable kosher meat market offered for sale in "WESTERN NY" servicing...
Wayback Burgers
Available Nationwide
We have 170+ fast casual restaurants worldwide, a testament to our commitment to...
Turn Key Opporunity
Buffalo, NY
New remodeled and turn key restaurant has a very stylish and modern décor, with ample...
2,304+/- Sf Turn Key Bar
Buffalo, NY
This turn key bar has been totally updated over the last three years. A brand new patio...
North Towns -Turn-Key Restaurant & Business For Sale
Buffalo, NY
Turn-Key restaurant opportunity that offers excellent exposure and a great location in a...
Established Restaurant in South Buffalo, NY for sale
Buffalo, NY
Well established South Buffalo Restaurant for sale. 25 years plus in business. fully...
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