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Grocery Store w strong team and profits-reduced $54K seller motivated
Elmira, NY
This established limited assortment grocery store sells dry goods, dairy, frozen foods, fresh meat and produce and non-edible grocery products. They have a...
Cell phone/ Computer/ Game console repair and more.
Elmira, NY
If you are looking for new opportunities right here in Elmira area look no further! Located in the premiere business area (Langdon Plaza). In between Subway* and...
Profitable CNC Machining Business
Horseheads, NY
Profitable CNC manufacturing shop with many solid customers including health care and...
Grocery store with great location, cash flow and trained personnel
Chemung County, NY
A successful, full-service conventional grocery store, selling dry goods, dairy, frozen...
Elmira Restaurant & Bar with Real Estate!
Elmira, NY
Free standing building with plenty of parking in Downtown Elmira. Sales $9,500.00 per...
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