Established Shared Office Space Franchise
Union County, NJ
This business opportunity is an established franchise location in a upscale downtown location in Union County. The recently expanded space is modern and provides a...
Nat’l Healthcare Ratings Platform–Strong Revenue
Union County, NJ
This is a rare opportunity to acquire a premier online platform that connects patients with top-rated doctors, dentists, and healthcare providers across the United...
Candy Honor Box Route, Northern New Jersey
Elizabeth, NJ
Candy Honor Box Route For Sale for $50,000! Currently grossing $41,170 per year in sales and nets $34,640 per year! An honor box is a box containing snack items to...
Niche Service & Manufacturer
Elizabeth, NJ
Unique niche, service, manufacturing, rebuilding and installation company, providing a key component for a trillion dollar industry. The company not only...
Tropicana/Naked Juice Route
Elizabeth, NJ
Net Over $3,300 a week for only working 4 days with you driving this Tropicana Route....
3D/4D/HD Ultrasound Business Established 10+ years
Union County, NJ
Incredible Business Opportunity! Are you ready to step into a thriving business with...
Italian Restaurant/Bar/Catering
Union County, NJ
Profitable & well-established Italian Restaurant/Bar & Catering business. Authentic...
Two Dry Cleaners
Union County, NJ
Owner retiring for this wonderful opportunity to own a highly profitable modern...
Long Established Cleaners Plant & Drop Store
Union County, NJ
LISTING ID # 36442 Established Dry Cleaning Plant plus Drop Store. Sales are up! Owners...
Lawn Doctor
Available in New Jersey
Entrepreneur Magazine Franchise 500 #1 In Category!
Self Service Laundry Coin Wash
Union County, NJ
Great business opportunity, with a lot of potential!! 136 (in total) Washer/Dryer's in...
Giant Profitable Absentee Owner Laundromat 9,000s/f New 88w/100 D
Union County, NJ
Total 9,000 S/F Absentee owner management of Laundromat with new 88 Washer and 100...
Absentee Owner Giant Layndromat 9,000 S/F with 3 years old 84W/94 D
Union County, NJ
Super Large Absentee Owner Management Laundromat 9,000 S/F with 3 years old 84 Washers...
Absentee Owner 8,500 S/F Giant Profitable Laundromat 78 W/80 D
Union County, NJ
Giant Profitable Absentee Owner management system of Giant Laundromat total 8,500 S/F...
Large Semi-Absentee Laundromat - Union County
Union County, NJ
Large 5600 SF Laundromat w/ 7 year old machines. 55 Washers and 62 Dryers....
Well Established Laundry Service Business For Sale
Union County, NJ
This well established laundry service business in a strip mall. This is primarily a...
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