SBA Approved Pizza Shop - Union County
Union County, NJ
This well established pizza shop located in Union County has long time customers and a consistent customer base. Already SBA approved and approved to buy with real...
Italian Restaurant/ Tapas Restaurant With Class C #33 Liquor License
Union County, NJ
Turnkey Restaurant with 33 class C liquor license in populated city in Union County. Opened in 22 this brand new built brink oven pizza restaurant is in a great...
Pizzeria In Prime Spot Semi Absentee
Union County, NJ
Thriving profitable pizzeria with loyal customers and excellent online reviews....
One of a Kind Concept Pizza Restaurant and Catering for Sale
Union County, NJ
Asset Sale. Pizzeria chain being sold with equipment and fixtures
Union County, NJ
Great space to repurpose into pizza or other food service business. Busy location. Great...
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