Beautiful Cafe For Sale
Beautiful turn-key cafe is ready to convert into a regional brand with more openings easily done with our established business operations formula or your...
Highly Profitable Breakfast-All-Day Café & Coffee Shop WITH PROPERTY
HIGH VISIBILITY free-standing corner restaurant with parking lot in the center of the town shopping area. Family Owned & Operated For Over 40 Years. ...
Westfield Downtown Location for Sale!
Westfield, NJ
3,000 square feet, 20-years remaining on the below market lease...what are you waiting...
Dunkin Franchise (Business Only)
Union County, NJ
A unique opportunity to purchase 1 Dunkin Donuts store in Central New Jersey. Store is...
Kosher Cafe & Bakery (Korns of Linden)
Linden, NJ
Brand new (~9 months old) bakery in a fast-growing Kosher community! Located on a prime,...
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