Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for South Hackensack, NJ. Showing instead
Landmark Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant
Landmark Pizzaria & Restaurant "Vincent's" since 1976; PRICE INCLUDES ALL FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT; WALK-IN BOX, GARAGES, 3 Bathrooms, APPROX. 2,800+/-...
Italian Restaurant with Large Building
Large established Italian restaurant with 4 dining rooms including rooms for private events up to 100 guests. Separate bar area as well. 2 operating...
Pizzeria FOR SALE Bergen County, NJ Confidential
Elmwood Park, NJ
This is a well established Pizzeria for many years. Located in a high traffic area in...
Established Italian Restaurant in River Vale
River Vale, NJ
Very well known and established Italian restaurant that has been here for years and is...
Pizzeria & Property
Bergen County, NJ
Also available with real estate consisting of three commercial and one residential...
Pizzeria & Restaurant for Sale in New Jersey
Bergen County, NJ
LISTING ID # 36540<br /><br />This pizzeria and restaurant, currently generates an...
Landmark, High Volume,Pizzeria/Restaurant
Bergen County, NJ
Enjoy the best pizza Bergen County has to offer. This Pizza/ Restaurant is one of the...
Busy Highway Pizzeria/Restaurant
Bergen County, NJ
Northern Bergen County Restaurant FOR SALE
Bergen County, NJ
This Restaurant has been in business for over 27 years with the original owners. They...
Checkers & Rally’s Restaurants
Available in New Jersey
Checkers & Rally’s is an award-winning hamburger QSR brand, known for its World Famous...
Casual Italian Restaurant
Bergen County, NJ
Owner financing, modest down payment, Priced for a quick sale with this wonderful...
Bergen County Restaurant- Seller Financing Available
Bergen County, NJ
Well-established family-owned restaurant serving lunch & dinner. <br /> <br />Open...
Taste of Italy in Bergen County #0305
Bergen County, NJ
Italian Eatery with Authentic Neapolitan Pizza in a prime Bergen County location....
BYOB Tuscan Style Brick Oven Pizza Restaurant
Bergen County, NJ
BYOB Tuscan style fine dining brick oven pizza restaurant and property in sought after...
Italian Restaurant
Bergen County, NJ
Well established Italian restaurant in strip center. 3000 sq.ft. total space. 100-140...
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