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Under Contact/Pizzeria doing 15kto16K Wk in Passaic County,NJ
Passaic County, NJ
Landmark location Pizzeria has been the main hub for the pizza lovers which is located...
Pizzeria FOR SALE
Clifton, NJ
This is a very busy pizzeria that is on a busy main street in Clifton NJ. around other...
Newly Renovated Pizza Restaurant in Same location for 30 plus Years
Clifton, NJ
Newly complete renovation of pre-existing Pizzeria. This Pizzeria is on a very busy...
Well established cash flowing pizzeria in the heart of down town
Passaic County, NJ
Well established cash flowing pizzeria in the heart of down town. This unique location...
Established Top Location Pizzeria!
Passaic County, NJ
Established pizzeria in top location on main business avenue of town next to main post...
Time to pass the Torch! 22 years in same location! Repeat Clientele
Passaic County, NJ
Great opportunity to own a thriving Pizzeria in Clifton NJ. This is one of the only...
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