Car wash and used car dealership.
Paterson, NJ
Used car dealership with all the authorizations from paterson (can fit 25-30 cars). Car dealership sells between 5-7 cars a month. Monthly rental is: Car wash =...
No brand gas station
Passaic County, NJ
3MPDs, 2 for gas and one for diesel. The station pumps around 140,000 gallons per month between gas and diesel, an average of 1,500 gallons of diesel daily. It is...
No Brand gas station
Passaic County, NJ
gas station with 2 MPDs located on a major busy highway pumps around 100,000-110,000...
Hi Volume Exterior Car Wash/Lube $1,350,000/YR
Passaic County, NJ
"75' Exterior tunnel with free vacuums and 1 bay quick lube. The entire facility has...
Great services
Passaic, NJ
Gas Station located on Main Ave Passaic with easy access traffic from highway and local...
Lucrative Opportunity to Own a Thriving Car Wash Business!
Passaic County, NJ
Great opportunity to own a full-Service Car Wash. Offering a full suite of services,...
branded gas station with C-Store
Passaic County, NJ
AAA location branded gas station with C-Store. The station is located in the most...
Gas Station and Mart For Sale
Passaic County, NJ
Top location - 5000 sq. ft at lowest ever rent. Lease renewed automatically every 3...
Express/Flex Car Wash
Passaic County, NJ
State of the art exterior car wash with MacNeil equipment located on a main road. There...
Grease Monkey
Available in New Jersey
Grease Monkey is a top-rated oil change and automotive aftermarket repair franchise. We...
branded gas station with C-Store
Passaic County, NJ
Newly renovated gas station with 2MPDS and C-Store. The station is pumping an average of...
Full Service Car Wash & Lube in Northern NJ
Passaic County, NJ
Huge lot with a full service car wash and quick lube in northern NJ. Huge stacking and...
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