Pizzeria for Sale in New Jersey
Monmouth County, NJ
LISTING ID # 36288 Absentee Owned, Turn-Key Solution, and Management in Place. In business for 37 years, this multi-store owner of pizzerias has built and sold...
Magnificent 3,300sf Pizza Restaurant! 30 Yr Lease! Rent $2,850!
Monmouth County, NJ
This is the deal of a lifetime if you are a pizza restaurant operator. Never in my career have I seen a 30 year lease at 50% below market value. Restaurant is...
Turnkey 140 seat restaurant in affluent area.
Fair Haven, NJ
Located on the main street in town, this turnkey 4,000 ft byob restaurant (liquor store across the street) with plenty of on site parking in the prestigious Red...
Remodeled Pizzeria Location for sell
Freehold, NJ
Fully developed restaurant on main St of freehold downtown. Spent $250,000 to renovate the location. Plenty of...
Neighborhood Staple Authentic Italian Restaurant in Biz 50 Yrs!!!
Monmouth County, NJ
This Pizzeria & Restaurant is a one of one piece. Rare to find a Italian Restaurant in...
Pizzeria and Restaurant - 38 years in location
Monmouth County, NJ
Great location and many loyal customers. Not just pizza, diner and other items sold.Has...
Established Turnkey Restaurant Downtown Belmar
Belmar, NJ
Price Reduction!!! Great opportunity to own an established turn-key restaurant in the...
Pizzas, Burges, Brazilian food and wine
Long Branch, NJ
Premium Pizza, party space to rent, fireplace, 3600 ft of indoor area, outdoor area,...
Advantageous Pizzeria In Busy Shopping Center
Monmouth County, NJ
HS Listing ID-62739 2,000 Sq FT Pizzeria/ Restaurant. Located in a reputable shopping...
Hummus Republic
Available in New Jersey
Hummus Republic is a modern fast-casual concept with a simple business model, low...
Reputed Pizza Restaurant for Sale in Monmouth County NJ
Monmouth County, NJ
Popular, profitable Italian styled restaurant with great reputation for their pizzas,...
Monmouth County, NJ
Busy shopping center location on a very busy road, successful at this location for more...
Pizzeria and Restaurant
Howell, NJ
Busy shopping center location, 2300 sf, 50 seats, all new equipment, gross sales of $6k...
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