Under Contract/ Restaurant for Sale in Middlesex County, NJ
Middlesex County, NJ
Prime location Restaurant is located in a busy shopping complex within Middlesex...
Middlesex County, NJ
Great little local bar/pub, free standing building with parking for 10 cars, 2,200 sf,...
Popular Korean BBQ Restaurant for Sale
Edison, NJ
Successful Korean BBQ restaurant for sale. Very profitable and getting better every month.
Old Bridge Liquor License For Sale
Old Bridge, NJ
Plenary Retail Consumption License; This license authorizes the sale of alcoholic...
Restaurant w/liquor license
Middlesex County, NJ
Downtown main street location, 30 years successful at this location, owner is now...
Old Bridge Class C #33 Liquor License
Old Bridge, NJ
Pocket license for sale for restaurant or bar or liquor store with bar. Pocket license...
Woodbridge Class C #33 POCKET Liquor License
Woodbridge, NJ
Open up a bar or restaurant or even a liquor store with a bar in Woodbridge, New Jersey!...
Old Bridge Class C #33 liquor license
Old Bridge, NJ
Open up a bar or restaurant or even a liquor store with a bar in old Bridge, New Jersey!...
Monroe Township Liquor License For Sale - Plenary Retail Consumption L
Middlesex County, NJ
Checkers & Rally’s Restaurants
Available in New Jersey
Checkers & Rally’s is an award-winning hamburger QSR brand, known for its World Famous...
Sayreville Liquor License "33" For Sale
Sayreville, NJ
Plenary Retail Consumption License; This License authorizes the sale of alcoholic...
South Amboy Liquor License "33" for Sale
South Amboy, NJ
Plenary Retail Consumption License, this license authorizes the sale of alcoholic...
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