Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Lafayette, NJ. Showing instead
Waterfront Casual American Tavern with Boat Slips and 270+ Occupancy
Sussex County, NJ
Free standing restaurant with 2 bars, 2 levels, 2 decks, 2 properties, great parking,...
Highly-Reviewed Gourmet Burger Restaurant for sale!
Sussex County, NJ
This business was established in 2020 as a high-end, premium burger spot with a rotating...
Tavern & Retail Liquor
Hopatcong, NJ
Recently available to purchase due to owners’ retirement for this profitable retail...
Profitable Restaurant, Food Truck and Trailer in NJ
Sussex County, NJ
This is an opportunity to purchase a profitable, well-established and busy restaurant in...
ID# 1685 - Modern Restaurant & Bar with RE and Liquor License
Sussex County, NJ
This modern restaurant and bar is set in the heart of beautiful Sussex County and has...
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