Profitable Highly Rated Hot Food/Deli/C-Store
Hudson County, NJ
It is located off a high-traffic, safe Hudson County thoroughfare. Corner store location. Two nearby libraries & stores attract many area residents to this section...
Deli Cafe Nets $140,000
Bayonne, NJ
Wonderful business opportunity for this successful thirty-year-old high-volume Deli, cafe and catering business located in the Jersey City-Bayonne area of New...
Bagel store for sale with growth
Hudson County, NJ
Turnkey. $40,800+ Cash Flow. $2,350 Rent. 3 Years w/ 5 year Option on Lease. 1500...
Gourmet Deli & Grocery
Hudson County, NJ
Gourmet deli/grocery in an affluent town with outdoor dining surrounded by many...
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