Healthy Food Franchise in a Busy Strip Mall
Middlesex County, NJ
Healthy Food Business in a busy strip mall, for sale in Central NJ. Calling all health food enthusiasts! A well-established healthy food business in a prime...
Rare Chance to Purchase 2 Excellent Profitable Restaurants-Central NJ
Monmouth County, NJ
Wonderful opportunity to purchase two healthy, homemade food restaurants in two very popular Central Jersey shore locations. Our restaurant serves delicious meals...
Home-Based Semi-Absentee Health Conscious Vending
Cherry Hill, NJ
This business offers healthy snacks and beverages through vending machines placed in high-traffic locations such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and office...
Home-Based Healthy Vending w/ Highly Lucrative Margins
Hoboken, NJ
Looking for a hassle-free investment in the thriving health and wellness sector? Here’s your chance! We're selling a well-established vending machine business...
Well-Established Herbal Supplement Manufacturing Company With Property
Gloucester County, NJ
HS Listing ID - 39490 • Business $1,000,000 | Property $1,750,000 | $400,000...
Health Supplement ,Vitamin & Nutrition Shop for Sale
Leonia, NJ
Thriving health supplement and vitamin store located in the heart of Leonia's bustling...
Essex County Vitamin & Health Products Provider
Essex County, NJ
This business is a profitable vitamin and health products store which has been...
Superfood Bar and Cafe Located in the heart of Downtown Red Bank
Red Bank, NJ
Owners looking to relocate out of state end of Summer 2025. Seize the opportunity to own...
Great Income generate Salad, Wrap, Healthy smoothies store for Sale
Northvale, NJ
Generating good income. Current owner will train a buyer from A to Z. Cater to Schools...
Kid to Kid
Available Nationwide
Kid to Kid is an award winning upscale resale store franchise. The children’s market is...
Butcher Shop for Sale- Highest Quality Meats for over 60 Years!
New Jersey
This business prides itself on having a higher quality product at a reasonable price,...
Soup & Sald Business
Fairfield, NJ
Great Growing Salad and Soup Business in a busy large shopping center in Fairfield nest...
Pharmacy in a Prime Location- Open Only 6 Days
Essex County, NJ
Exceptional pharmacy, in a downtown location serving the community with quality products...
New Jersey Cafe With Focus On Healthy Food (2 Locations)
Monmouth County, NJ
HS Listing ID-62775 Clover Point of Sale System. 4 Full time employees and 30 part...
Established Vitamin Store with Potential in Essex County,NJ
Essex County, NJ
Independent established vitamin store same location 31 years with very good growth...
Well Established business located in Bergen County, NJ
Bergen County, NJ
Well established speciality food & gift store at the center of historic village of...
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