Liquor license for Sale Class C
Free -Standing Liquor License Available. Passaic County, City of Clifton. Asking Price $150,000.00
Established Liquor Store For Sale - Turnkey & Profitable
This turnkey Liquor Store is a true Gem, sits on a busy Clifton corner(Low rent)well maintained and organized. -Serious Buyers Only-
Profitable B2B Local Marketing Business
Clifton, NJ
This well-established advertising business has a strong history of success, exclusively catering to small and medium-sized businesses. The business uses a dynamic...
PET Bottle Blowing Machine, 3 Cavities, chiller Full Auto, Air Compres
Clifton, NJ
Available Immediately In Clifton, New Jersey These machines are brand new, built in 2019 and used for only two...
Established Luncheonette or Equipment and assume lease
Clifton, NJ
Turnkey Luncheonette for sale. Additional option to purchase equipment and assume lease...
Pizzeria FOR SALE
Clifton, NJ
This is a very busy pizzeria that is on a busy main street in Clifton NJ. around other...
Newly Renovated Pizza Restaurant in Same location for 30 plus Years
Clifton, NJ
Newly complete renovation of pre-existing Pizzeria. This Pizzeria is on a very busy...
Copy & Printing Company
Clifton, NJ
digital printing, postage stamps, CD / DVD burning, office services, packing & shipping,...
NEW TO MARKET - City of Clifton Retail Consumption Liquor License!
Clifton, NJ
This is for a liquor license only. Located in Passaic County, City of Clifton, NJ
Children's Orchard®
Available Nationwide
It is resale reimagined. Children’s Orchard sells gently used name-brand kid’s clothing,...
Plenary Retail Consumption License
Clifton, NJ
Liquor License
This Unique offering includes property and diner
Clifton, NJ
351 Lexington Ave offers a unique opportunity to acquire both a prime mixed-use building...
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