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Five Decade, Family-Owned CNC Precision Machining Shop for Sale!
Union County, NJ
INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE REQUIRED<br /><br />This company has been machining precision components for the microwave, oil service, nuclear, aerospace and defense...
Niche Service & Manufacturer
Elizabeth, NJ
Unique niche, service, manufacturing, rebuilding and installation company, providing a key component for a trillion dollar industry. The company not only...
Bank Safety Envelope Manufacturer for Sale (Absentee-Run)
Union County, NJ
Ideal fit for a distributor/manufacturer in the industry, or packaging company!...
Absentee Owner 8,500 S/F Giant Profitable Laundromat 78 W/80 D
Union County, NJ
Giant Profitable Absentee Owner management system of Giant Laundromat total 8,500 S/F...
Deli & Food Business
Union County, NJ
- Active Deli-Food business on a busy Main Street with Many Locals in the area.<br />-...
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