Very rare and valuable Broad C Liquor License
Pennsauken, NJ
The liquor store industry is one of the hardest businesses to get into right now because the profits are good and...
Liquor License--- Pennsauken
Pennsauken, NJ
Valuable liquor license , Pennsauken---just listed ---- only $150,000..FOR BAR/RESTAURANT/PACKAGE GOODS/TAKE OUT LIQUOR SALES . .....ALSO PRIVATE PARTIES , OFF...
Tavern Nite Club combination
Camden County, NJ
great location for Gentlemans Club Presently operating as a sporst bar during the day...
Upper Camden County Liquor License and Fully Equipped Bar
Camden County, NJ
Looking to open a bar or set up another location? This is a turnkey solution at an...
Liquor License for Sale
Pine Hill, NJ
Plenary Retail Consumption License.
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