Profitable Cnc Machine Shop With Real Estate In New Hampshire
Hillsborough County, NH
This company was started in 1981 It is a precision cnc job shop. The company has manufacturing expertise by applying state-of-the-art equipment and innovative...
Established Metal plating business of 30 years
Hillsborough County, NH
I am selling off my plating company, all equipment, and the corporation. $175K It includes an overhead crane that services 3 lines. We have Electropolish, black...
Established Well Known National Franchise - Only $175,900
New Hampshire
Nationally recognized sign franchise opportunity. The business will transfer with...
Flow Sensor Manufacturer
New Hampshire
This company designs and manufacturers flow sensors that target the residential and...
Leading Established Environmental IoT Device Manufacturer
New Hampshire
Very efficiently organized ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer utilizing under 1,000...
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