Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Colebrook, NH. Showing instead
Established Fuel Delivery and Service Company with Real Estate
For several decades, this company has been the cornerstone of exceptional service in Northern New Hampshire, setting the gold standard since its...
Plumbing & Heating 85+ YEARS in Business!!
Invest in the Great Northwoods of NH! Well established business for over 85 years! Several thousand cliental. Full showroom, 3 service trucks, tools,...
Opportunity Awaits At Mr. Pizza
Gorham, NH
Opportunity awaits you! Newly renovated well-established pizza and Italian restaurant. Turn Key Operation! Located on a busy highway with excellent visibility. 180...
Flowers Bread Route, Coos County, NH
Berlin, NH
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Coos County, New Hampshire region for $100,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $10,000...
Historic Applebrook Bed & Breakfast
Jefferson, NH
Turn-Key Opportunity: Historic Applebrook Bed & Breakfast in Jefferson, NH! Step into a...
UNDER CONTRACT-Motel, Restaurant, RV Sites, Apartments in Coos County
Coos County, NH
***SOME OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE***<br /><br />This turnkey business has both local and...
Waterwheel Breakfast and Gift House
Jefferson, NH
Live, work and play at this award-winning, turn-key restaurant and gift shop. The...
Gorham House of Pizza!
Gorham, NH
Superb location, on the ATV/UTV trail system. The adage "location, location, location"...
Tall Timber Lodge in Pittsburg, NH
Pittsburg, NH
Tall Timber Lodge, located on Back Lake in Pittsburg, NH is a four-season sporting camp...
Available in New Hampshire
With renters comprising 37% of households, interest rates for home ownership rising, and...
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