Turnkey Vegan Restaurant! Largest In Lincoln Ne!
Lincoln, NE
Nestled in the beautiful Telegraph District in Lincoln Ne, Naughty Buddha Burger Bar is a 100% Vegan Restaurant that has been flourishing for over four years! With...
High-end cocktail lounge for sale
Lincoln, NE
Well established cocktail lounge Lincoln. Steady annual growth. Please contact for more information or a showing.
Neighborhood Watering Hole
Lancaster County, NE
A beloved local bar in Lincoln, Nebraska, offering a fantastic opportunity for aspiring bar owners or seasoned operators. Known for its warm, casual atmosphere,...
Two Established Coffee Shops Unique to the Area
Lancaster County, NE
Take advantage of these established coffee shops ready for new ownership. Skip the hassle of building a business from scratch and step into a successful coffee...
Local Bar In the Heart of Downtown Lincoln Ready For a New Owner
Lincoln, NE
Current Owners ready to retire and don't have the time to put into what this bar...
East Meets West is a 50 Years In Business, 18 years in this location!
Hickman, NE
For Sale: East Meets West Chinese Restaurant - $85,000 Discover a profitable and...
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