Turnkey Restoration Business – Thriving in a High-Demand Market
Saint Louis, MO
Acquire a turnkey restoration business with a stellar reputation for providing top-notch...
Eviction & Cleanout Business. Potential owner financing.
Saint Louis, MO
Thriving home-based business specializing in apartment evictions, tenant cleanouts, and...
Long standing service business (Residential and Commercial)
Saint Louis, MO
This company has been around for over twenty years, has a great online reputation and is...
Established Recession-Resistant Remediation Business
Saint Louis, MO
This represents a unique opportunity to build upon the foundation of the Biohazard...
Profitable Company: Commercial Services w/ Nat. Accounts
Saint Louis, MO
For Sale: this 33-year established company is the leading provider of deep cleaning...
Profitable Cleaning Company - Many Contracts in Place
Saint Louis, MO
This 35-year-old cleaning company has many commercial contracts in place and is fully...
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