Revolutionize Your Space with Premium Glass Installations
Kansas City, MO
Profitable glass installation business for sale, offering a great opportunity for a new owner to take over a successful operation. Known for high-quality glass...
Profitable & Established Lawn and Landscape Business For Sale
Platte County, MO
This business is a thriving and successful lawn, landscape, and construction business in a high end area of the Kansas City market. Currently we provide services...
Strategic Planning & Leadership Consulting – Niche in Non-Profits
Kansas City, MO
For over 20 years this firm has provided consulting services focused in Strategic Planning, Leadership Training, and Organizational Development. The majority...
Profitable Restoration and Cleaning Company
Kansas City, MO
This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established restoration and cleaning business with a strong presence in both residential and commercial...
Profitable Restoration and Cleaning Company
Kansas City, MO
This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established restoration and...
Profitable Restoration and Cleaning Company
Kansas City, MO
This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established restoration and...
Family Owned, Home Based, Restaurant Hood Cleaning Service
Kansas City, MO
State Laws mandate regular cleaning, ensuring consistent Demand Year-Round with...
Plumbing Success with Broad Growth Potential
Kansas City, MO
Step into a rewarding plumbing business that combines the strength of a recognized brand...
23 FedEx P&D Routes For Sale
Kansas City, MO
Summary Overview: Business operates an average of 23 P&D routes per day. All routes are...
Office Evolution
Available in Missouri
As the #1 and fastest-growing coworking franchise, Office Evolution offers an...
Established HVAC and Power Generator Service Business in KCMO
Kansas City, MO
Project HVAC is a full-service provider specializing in sales, service, and installation...
Unique, Profitable & Recognized Home Improvement Business- Kansas City
Kansas City, MO
This unique home improvement business is for sale in this local market. We design, sell,...
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