Established Graphics Business
Osage Beach, MO
This center began as 3 small independent print companies in 2009. in 2013 they expanded into the sign & apparel business. Annual sales $757K, Profit: $96K, Great...
Electrical Contractor Business
Climax Springs, MO
Here is a rare opportunity to own a 20 + year old electrical contracting company. Located in Climax Springs Missouri, a hub of Lake of The Ozarks. This will be a...
Property Management Business – Priced Below Franchise Fee!
Osage Beach, MO
Fantastic opportunity to own a Residential Property Management company that's part of an SBA-approved national FRANCHISE providing essential services to property...
Established Marketing and Print Services Business in Camden County
Osage Beach, MO
This established business located in Camden County was established in 2009 and provides graphic and printing services to local community businesses . This is a...
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