Highly Respected Aggregate Trucking Company
Parcel Real Estate is pleased to offer for sale a well respected aggregate trucking company in Minnesota. They are one of the fastest growing trucking...
General Freight Long Haul Transportation Company
Acquire an established and respected long haul general freight transportation company! Gain long term solution minded employees and drivers, with no...
7 FedEx Ground Routes - Twin Cities
Buy a profitable operation in very consistent territory with both residential and commercial! -7 P&D Routes - 841K Revenue last 12 months -New contract with...
Profitable Trucking Operation North of the Twin Cities
Profitable trucking operation north of the twin cities. Specializing in general freight and flatbed hauling servicing numerous states throughout the Midwest. This...
Regional Trucking Company Poised For Growth
This well-established and respected trucking company is known for its loyalty and...
10 FedEx Ground Routes - Duluth, MN - Highly Profitable
Duluth, MN
FedEx Ground Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Ground...
South Metro Regional Trucking Company w/ Real Estate
Nearly 50 year old trucking company located in South Metro-Twin Cities. Business is...
Highly Profitable Local & Over-The-Road Trucking Company
First time offered, highly profitable over the road and local trucking company that has...
Profitable Trucking Operation North of the Twin Cities
Profitable trucking operation north of the twin cities. Specializing in general freight...
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