High Performing Multi-Brand Restaurant in Central Minneapolis
A profitable multi-brand, food and beverage business is available for owner-operators The business is currently active and highly profitable, with room...
Complete Turnkey Brewery for Sale? Steps from Target Field!
Completed Turnkey Brewery for Sale - Amazing Location in Downtown within walking distance of everything including the Target Center and the Twins...
"** RBOMN **": Uptown with Full Liquor $395K (Minneapolis, MN)
Minneapolis, MN
Nice restaurant with full liquor. Roof top available.
HSC Restaurant Dinkytown
Minneapolis, MN
Restaurant opportunity available in the heart of dinkytown! Currently operating as a Korean Cuisine concept. Great for catering to college students, faculty,...
Established Restaurant in Minneapolis for Sale
Minneapolis, MN
Established Restaurant in Minneapolis for Sale. Profitable. 1263 sqft. Located on Lake...
Very Successful and Profitable Restaurant/Bar in Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN
Iconic and prestigious Restaurant/Bar business of almost 40 years with over $4.5M+ in...
"** RBOMN **": Bar with Real Estate MPLS. (Minneapolis,MN)
Minneapolis, MN
Family owned and operated since 1988. A real neighborhood restaurant and bar. Serving...
Thriving Coffee Shop Brand with Complete Start-Up Package –
Minneapolis, MN
Imagine the First Sip of Your Day Becoming a Sacred Moment. Picture stepping into a...
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