29 Year Old Residential Plumbing Company for Sale
Lake Elmo, MN
Start/Expand your Plumbing/HVAC company. I am retiring after 37 years. I am a master plumber willing to stay on and get your plumbing business up and running...
Thriving MN Home Repair Franchise with Strong Cash Flow
Minneapolis, MN
This Handyman Connection location in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is the largest in North America and the only one in the state. It offers a low-risk, high-reward...
Premier Roofing and Storm Restoration Services Company
Anoka County, MN
Founded in 2018, is a rapidly growing leader in roofing and storm damage restoration...
Electrical Contractor
Anoka County, MN
Great opportunity for a strategic acquisition or a master electrician who is looking for...
HVAC Testing Business
Bloomington, MN
Small Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of HVAC Systems Business for sale. This is is an...
HomeVestors (We Buy Ugly Houses® ) Franchise Resale (Minneapolis)
Minneapolis, MN
Motivated Seller! Price reduced for a quick sale. Seize the chance to own a...
Electrical Contractor
Anoka County, MN
Great opportunity for a strategic acquisition or a master electrician who is looking for...
Southern Twin Cities Heating and Air
Dakota County, MN
Incredible Opportunity in the southeastern area of the Twin Cities. 15 year old...
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