Established Franchise for sale (Multi unit available)
Royal Oak, MI
Join the Beef A Roo family today! Beef-A-Roo is an established brand out of Rockford, IL with 50+ years of operating expertise. Extensive menu, app and loyalty...
Senior Care Referral and Brokerage Services Company
Royal Oak, MI
This business has been connecting seniors and their families with high-quality assisted living facilities for many years and has built a reputation for excellence...
Turnkey, easy to operate and profitable sushi busiess.
Royal Oak, MI
Buy this sushi franchise in a large grocery store in Oakland County, Michigan. This is...
Former Bandit Tavern & Hideaway
Royal Oak, MI
Turnkey restaurant and bar on a busy corner in the heart of downtown Royal Oak....
See more results when you broaden your search from Royal Oak to Oakland County.
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