Sports Bar & Grille
Macomb County, MI
Don’t pass up this opportunity to take over this well-established Sports Bar and Grille in Macomb County! This has been in business since 1980. This is located...
Sports Bar for Sale on Prime Road!
Macomb County, MI
This is your chance to own a sports bar on a prime road, with a good opportunity for an owner/operator to take this bar to the next level. Turn key operation that...
Sports Bar W/ Real Estate
Macomb County, MI
Our firm is thrilled to present an exceptional local tavern with great history spanning...
Well established bar with a great location in Fraser
Fraser, MI
This bar is located in the center of an entertainment district! Turn key ready for the...
Macomb County Class C Liquor License!
Sterling Heights, MI
Macomb County Class C Liquor License is available and can be moved anywhere in Macomb...
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