Motivated Sellers!!! Turn-key Franchise Sports Bar & Restaurant
Adrian, MI
Bruns Realty Group is pleased to present this opportunity to purchase a turn-key sports bar franchise. Frickers describes itself as a family restaurant, a sports...
Bar & Grille "Chomp Burger" Grossing over one million
Adrian, MI
High grossing beautiful Bar and Grille with a "Unique" menu featuring all beef Burgers along with "Bison", "Elk", "Wild Boar" and "Venison Burgers. Serving a full...
Brand new The Original Dave's Cosmic Subs in Adrian, MI and Toledo, OH
Adrian, MI
Two brand new stores recently opened with updated designs and significant investment. ...
Operating Marijuana grow operation
Morenci, MI
Morenci grow: 11k sf, 8 rooms, 10k/m rent+nnn, 1.3m-1.6m rev, 500k net. 10 empl. Great...
Lenawee Class C Liquor License for Restaurants and Bars
Lenawee County, MI
Class C Liquor License & SDM license. Can be used for a bar or restaurant anywhere in...
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