Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Auburn, MI. Showing instead
Agricultural Equipment Manufacturing Company – Includes Real Estate!
Bay County, MI
This agricultural equipment manufacturing and distribution business provides retail and custom-built field equipment, warehouse conveyors, graders, and sorters....
Operating dispensary with real estate at great price
Bay City, MI
Marijuana dispensary at main road of Bay city. $4m sales. asking 1.5m cash including 2 bldgs. 50 parking. great deal at this price. Business only at $1m.
Operational and Profitable Recreational Dispensary
Bay City, MI
Take a look at this chance to purchase this beautifully renovated operational dispensary...
Retail Medical Cannabis
Bay County, MI
This is a unique opportunity to acquire a Retail Medical Cannabis business in Bay...
Retail Medical Cannabis
Bay County, MI
This is a unique opportunity to acquire a Retail Medical Cannabis business in Bay...
Liquor store with beer, wine, deli, meat case, and car wash.
Linwood, MI
Liquor store with beer, wine, deli, meat case, and car wash. The location is approved...
Beer and Wine store for sale located just off I-75 in Pinconning.
Pinconning, MI
Beer and Wine store for sale located just off I-75 in Pinconning. Lots of revenue...
Approved for state dispensary, processing, retail, and more!
Bay City, MI
Prime 3.25-acre property. Great visibility on a high-traffic thoroughfare. Ample on-site...
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