Shoe Shop Business for Sale!
Lowell, MA
An established business running in downtown Lowell. Offering Men, Womens, boys, and girls shoes, heels, boots, slippers, cozy shoes, necklaces, earrings, hats,...
Chinese Restaurant with Real Estate - Over $2m Gross Revenue
Lowell, MA
This incredibly popular (and profitable) restaurant located near (not in) Lowell Massachusetts is on a very busy street and close to Rt 495 and features great...
Long Established Specialty Furniture Repair & Restoration Business
Lowell, MA
Profitable and well-established furniture repair and restoration business is for sale....
Unattended Profitable Laundromat - Neal Lowell MA - $235,000
Lowell, MA
This laundromat is located NEAR Lowell MA. Spacious store with almost 1500 sq. ft. at...
State of the Art Male Health Clinic- Lowell
Lowell, MA
Our clinic enjoys reoccurring revenues from multiple sources which produce a steady,...
See more results when you broaden your search from Lowell to Middlesex County.
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