Northern VA High End Nail Salon
Alexandria County, VA
This salon is absolutely beautiful, modern and in an ideal location of mixed luxury condos, office and retail. The salon is in a large and attractive space where...
Incredible Client Care-focused Nail Salon opportunity - NOVA
Alexandria County, VA
The reported finances are for 2023, but the salon is on track to make over $500,000 in 2024. Located in a prime area, this full-service nail salon offers a...
Nails Salon in Arlington, VA
Arlington, VA
Do not lose the opportunity to own a Nails Salon in Arlington VA which has 6 Manicures &...
Nail Salon
Arlington County, VA
Very Beautiful, Upscale Nail Spa. Great location. A lot of foot traffic surrounded with...
Thriving Manassas Nail Salon
Prince William County, VA
This is a golden opportunity in Manassas, VA, to tap into a thriving beauty market in a...
Nail Salon Spa in a Prime Location of Montgomery County
Montgomery County, MD
Are you looking for a Nail salon that has been in the business since 2015 in a Prime...
Nice Nail Salon for Sale in Potomac, MD
Potomac, MD
Great location! Acquire the Cozy Turnkey Nail Salon, a thriving business in Potomac, MD....
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