Semi-Absentee Salon Suite Franchise Resale
The space has 33 suites and it's currently 35% occupied. This location just opened in October 2024. This is a salon suite franchise resale. Perfect for...
Restaurant for sale by Owner
Well established restaurant for sale located in a area with a lot of traffic. The restaurant has its own parking lot, small rent and very good potential...
Urgent Sale - Low asking price profitable Liquor & C-Store for sale
Hagerstown, MD
Very lucrative absentee owner liquor & convenience store needs to sell urgently due to manager health issue. Located in Washington county with very dense...
Buffet Pizza Restaurant
Hagerstown, MD
Pizza buffet restaurant in approx. 4500sq/ft. It is in business since 2005. It is backed by a strong franchise. The owner is consolidating the businesses that is...
12 FedEx Linehaul Runs for Sale - Hagerstown, MD
Hagerstown, MD
Established Linehaul operation with excellent service and safety records. Current owners...
18 FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale- MD/NJ and PA!
Hagerstown, MD
Established 3-year FedEx Ground Linehaul Operation for sale with excellent service and...
2 FedEx Linehaul Routes - Hagerstown, MD - Highly Profitable
Hagerstown, MD
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
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