Good Potencial City Bar with Liquor store
Baltimore, MD
This liquor store, which also features a bar, offers a secure and welcoming environment....
Baltimore City 7 days Liquors w/Building
Baltimore, MD
A rare opportunity to own a recently renovated property! The building includes a...
UNDER THE CONTRACT,,Baltimore County 6 Days Liquor
Baltimore, MD
UNDER THE CONTRACT!!,, A rare opportunity to own a 5,000 SF liquor store in a busy...
UNDER THE CONTRACT !!,Very Good Margin City Liquor Store w/buildings
Baltimore, MD
UNDER THE CONTRACT !!,The business is located on bustling North Avenue and enjoys a...
Newly established liquor store in Small shopping center.
Baltimore, MD
3800 square foot,newly established business,with lots of potential within a high density...
Pizza & Subs Carryout/Rest, Liquor Store & Investment Prop For Sale
Baltimore, MD
Excellent opportunity to step into a high-volume, full-service pizza, subs & carryout...
Liquor Store with Property, Bar and Kitchen
Baltimore, MD
**The seller does not want to go thru lengthy lending process therefore buyers need to...
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