Turnkey Just Love Coffee Cafe Resale Opportunity – Bowling Green, KY
Bowling Green, KY
Step into an established and thriving coffee cafe in the heart of Bowling Green! This is a rare chance to take ownership of a proven business with a loyal,...
Turnkey Italian Restaurant for sale With Over $1.2 Million in Sales!
Richardsville, KY
This independent Italian Restaurant for Sale is a golden opportunity for an owner/operator looking to step into an established business. With solid annual sales of...
Turnkey Bar & Grill For Sale
Bowling Green, KY
Take advantage of a rare opportunity to own a turnkey, successful Bar and Grill in the...
Successful, long standing business in excellent location
Bowling Green, KY
Well known and successful local bar and restaurant for sale. All F F and E and real...
Successful local restaurant and sports bar in prime location
Bowling Green, KY
Established business and real property for sale. F F and E included as wel as an extra...
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