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Mobile Grooming Franchise Resale - Managed by Corporate!
Lexington, KY
Furry Land Mobile Grooming offers the best healthy grooming experience and essentials for pets without the Owner needing to leave their home. Inside the mobile...
Unique opportunity for animal lover! Business/Home one location
Owensboro, KY
19 kennels: 10 are stone mountain custom kennels w/sliding doors, 9 have doggy doors with run, space in sunroom for small dogs accommodates 9 exercise pens, staff...
Thriving Mobile Pet Grooming Business for Sale – Established, Profitab
Lexington, KY
Are you looking for a profitable and recession-resistant business with recurring...
Lender Pre-Qualified Pet Services with Recurring Revenue
Louisville, KY
This is a pet services business that is growing rapidly with great cash flow. There is...
Pet Supply Store Franchise
Fayette County, KY
ATTENTION PET LOVERS! Opportunity is knocking for you to turn your love for pets into a...
Meade County, Kentucky Veterinary Practice for Sale + Real Estate
Meade County, KY
Small Animal Veterinary Clinic for Sale in Meade County, Kentucky<br /><br />This...
Cash Flow: $194,533
Pet Supply Store - Growing Franchise
Louisville, KY
ATTENTION PET LOVERS! Opportunity is knocking for you to turn your love for pets into a...
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