Kansas Liquor Store - Cash Flow $51,000 - Total Package $185K
Finney County, KS
Attractive 15 Year Old Liquor Store. Seller Retiring. Like New Liquor Store. Nice...
Upscale Liquor Store -- Sales $800,000 -- Kansas City Area
Johnson County, KS
Liquor Store. Original Ownerl 6 Year Old Store. Very Attractive, Upscale Store. ...
Liquor Store & Real Estate. Sales $1.1K. Cash Flow $147K. Kansas
26 Year Old Liquor Store. Offered with Real Estate and Rental Income. Attractive...
Established Liquor Store – Kansas City Metro
This established liquor store with a consistent and loyal customer base operates from a...
Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Spirit! Liquor Store For Sale!
Sedgwick County, KS
Are you ready to raise the bar and take charge of your destiny? Opportunity knocks at...
Price Improvement - Sales $700,000 - Nice Upscale Area
Johnson County, KS
Established Liquor Store Offered at Market Value. Priced Reduced $40,000 - Only 2.1...
OP,KS Liquor Store Revenues $400k + Total Package less than $200k
Overland Park, KS
Well established mom & pops store in great growing, thriving neighborhood! For over ten...
Newer, Clean Liquor Store in Great Location PRICE REDUCED!
Johnson County, KS
Nice, newer, clean liquor store in a great area on a super busy boulevard. Store is...
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